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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):533-537



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):533-537

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):533-537



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):533-537



診療と新薬 2017;54(5):533-537



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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):538-554


1)医療法人社団盟生会 東新宿クリニック,2)医療法人社団成守会 成守会クリニック,3)日医工株式会社 開発・企画本部

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):538-554

Bioequivalence study of TELTHIA TABLETS AP「NICHIIKO」 and TELTHIA TABLETS BP「NICHIIKO」 on healthy adults

1) Higashi-Sinjyuku Clinic,2) Seishukai Clinic

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):538-554


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):538-554

Bioequivalence study of TELTHIA TABLETS AP「NICHIIKO」 and TELTHIA TABLETS BP「NICHIIKO」 on healthy adults


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):555-564



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):555-564

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Pancrelipase (Lipacreon®) at Different Doses in Patients with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

1)Mylan EPD G.K.,2)EA Pharma Co., Ltd.

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):555-564



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):555-564

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Pancrelipase (Lipacreon®) at Different Doses in Patients with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

1)Mylan EPD G.K.,2)EA Pharma Co., Ltd.

パンクレリパーゼ製剤(リパクレオンⓇ:以下,リパクレオン)の長期使用での特定使用成績調査が2011年8月から2013年7月まで前向き中央登録方式にて行われた。本報告では,登録された患者(579例)の中で,初回投与時の投与量が1800 mg/日であった群(357例)と900 mg/日であった群(152例)において長期使用時の有効性の差異ならびに影響を与える因子について検討を行った。その結果,1800 mg/日投与群だけでなく900 mg/日投与群も栄養状態の改善・症状の改善において有効であることが確認された。一方で,治験時の背景に近いと考えられる① 低栄養状態,② 脂肪便など便の異常を有し膵外分泌機能不全に伴う症状を複数個有する患者背景において1800 mg/日投与群の方が900 mg/日投与群と比べて有意に効果が高いことが確認された。これらの結果から,リパクレオンの投与量判断において投与時の栄養状態や症状の有無を念頭に入れて投与量を判断することにより,より適正な膵酵素補充療法が実施できることが示唆された。


診療と新薬 2017;54(5):555-564



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):555-564

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Pancrelipase (Lipacreon®) at Different Doses in Patients with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

1)Mylan EPD G.K.,2)EA Pharma Co., Ltd.

Concerning the pancrelipase preparation Lipacreon® (hereinafter simply called "Lipacreon"), a special drug use-results survey on its long-term use was carried out from August 2011 to July 2013, adopting the prospective central registration method. In this report, the differences in efficacy during long-term use and factors affecting the efficacy of this product in a group of patients treated at the initial dose of 1800 mg/day (n = 357) and another group of patients treated at the initial dose of 900 mg/day (n = 152) among the patients registered (n = 579) was examined. It was confirmed that the product was effective in improving the nutritional state and alleviating symptoms not only in the 1800 mg/day treatment group but also in the 900 mg/day treatment group. It was additionally shown that 1800-mg/day treatment is significantly more effective than 900-mg/day treatment in patients with the following background (patients considered to be close to the background of patients enrolled to the pre-marketing clinical trials): (1) malnutrition, and (2) having abnormal feces (e.g., fatty stool) and presenting with multiple symptoms associated with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. These results suggest that more appropriate pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy will be enabled if the Lipacreon dose is determined by taking into consideration the nutritional status and presence/absence of symptoms at the start of treatment.

Key words: Lipacreon, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, dose, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):555-564


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):555-564

Analysis of Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Pancrelipase (Lipacreon®) at Different Doses in Patients with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):565-568

インスリン グラルギンU100からU300へ変更時のセルフタイトレーションの有効性について


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):565-568

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):565-568

インスリン グラルギンU100からU300へ変更時のセルフタイトレーションの有効性について


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):565-568

空腹時高血糖の存在は,肝臓および末梢組織におけるブドウ糖の取り込みを減少させ,肝糖産生を亢進させる。そのため,糖尿病治療において糖代謝を是正し,血糖コントロールを改善する上で基礎インスリンを投与する意義は大きいと考えられる。当院にて空腹時血糖値(FPG)がコントロールされているBasal Supported Oral Therapy(BOT)およびBasal-Bolus Therapy(BBT)で治療中の2型糖尿病患者145例に対し,基礎インスリンをインスリン グラルギンU100(ランタスⓇ)からインスリン グラルギンU300(ランタスⓇXR)へ変更し,セルフタイトレーションによって24週間治療を継続した。その結果,FPGおよびHbA1cは有意に改善され,追加インスリン単位数,体重および低血糖の発現頻度は有意に減少した(各p<0.001,t検定)。BOTまたはBBTにおいてグラルギンU300を用いたセルフタイトレーションは有用であり,また,グラルギンU100からグラルギンU300へ変更する際の臨床上の目安を示すことができたと考える。

Key word:基礎インスリン,Basal Supported Oral Therapy(BOT),Basal-Bolus Therapy(BBT),インスリン グラルギンU100(ランタスⓇ)・U300(ランタスⓇXR),セルフタイトレーション

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):565-568

インスリン グラルギンU100からU300へ変更時のセルフタイトレーションの有効性について


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):569-571

当初インスリンの自己注射に抵抗を示したが,週2回の外来看護師による遅行型インスリン デグルデク投与から自己管理へと移行でき,良好な血糖管理を認めた2型糖尿病の1症例

西条中央病院 糖尿病内科

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):569-571

A Case of Type 2 Diabetes that Rejects Insulin Strongly Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control in Twice a Week Administration of Long Acting Insulin Degludec by Teaching Nurse Alone to Self Control

Department of Diabetology, Saijo Central Hospital

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):569-571

当初インスリンの自己注射に抵抗を示したが,週2回の外来看護師による遅行型インスリン デグルデク投与から自己管理へと移行でき,良好な血糖管理を認めた2型糖尿病の1症例

西条中央病院 糖尿病内科

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):569-571

A Case of Type 2 Diabetes that Rejects Insulin Strongly Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control in Twice a Week Administration of Long Acting Insulin Degludec by Teaching Nurse Alone to Self Control

Department of Diabetology, Saijo Central Hospital

インスリン治療に抵抗を示し,導入が遅れる2型糖尿病患者は現在でも少なくないが,今回,まず外来での看護師による週2回遅行型インスリン デグルデクの皮下注射から開始し,その外来時に丹念に指導を行うことで皮下注射に徐々に慣れ,自己管理へと移行でき,以降良好な血糖管理が得られた2型糖尿病の1症例を経験した。遅行型インスリン デグルデクを週2回導入するだけで,血糖管理が改善する症例は少なくなく,患者の負担を軽減する柔軟なインスリン導入の一選択肢として,有用と考える。

キーワード:遅行型インスリン デグルデク週2回投与,インスリン治療に抵抗を示す2型糖尿病患者,看護師による投与から自己注射への移行

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):569-571

当初インスリンの自己注射に抵抗を示したが,週2回の外来看護師による遅行型インスリン デグルデク投与から自己管理へと移行でき,良好な血糖管理を認めた2型糖尿病の1症例

西条中央病院 糖尿病内科

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):569-571

A Case of Type 2 Diabetes that Rejects Insulin Strongly Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control in Twice a Week Administration of Long Acting Insulin Degludec by Teaching Nurse Alone to Self Control

Department of Diabetology, Saijo Central Hospital

Long acting insulin degludec have been administered to a number of type 2 diabetes patients, but twice a week administration of insulin degludec have not been much done. For diabetic patients that rejected insulin strongly, we prescribed anti-oral diabetic agents alone, when her plasma glucose control was worse, we should prescribe insulin as soon as possible. In this case, we prescribed twice a week administration of long acting insulin degludec 20 u/week without air shot (once dose is 10 u). As a result, better glycemic control were obtained, her body weight did not increase. This case suggests twice a week administration of insulin degludec are much effective from under by staff alone control to self-ones, reductions of patient mental stress, good adherence of medications and better glycemic control type 2 diabetes therapy if they reject insulin and GLP-1 analogue.

Key words: twice a week administration, long acting insulin degludec, under by staff alone control to self-ones, type 2 diabetes patients that reject insulin

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):569-571

当初インスリンの自己注射に抵抗を示したが,週2回の外来看護師による遅行型インスリン デグルデク投与から自己管理へと移行でき,良好な血糖管理を認めた2型糖尿病の1症例

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):569-571

A Case of Type 2 Diabetes that Rejects Insulin Strongly Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control in Twice a Week Administration of Long Acting Insulin Degludec by Teaching Nurse Alone to Self Control


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):573-579



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):573-579

Stratified Analysis of Functionality and Safety Against Serum Lipid and Sugar Metabolism of Silk Fibroin

1)Doctor Serum Co., Ltd.,2)Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agriculture,3)Shibaura Three-one Clinic

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):573-579


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):573-579

Stratified Analysis of Functionality and Safety Against Serum Lipid and Sugar Metabolism of Silk Fibroin


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):580-585



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):580-585

Safety Verification of the Excess Intake of Silk Fibroin

1)Ishikawacyo clinic of internal medicine,2)Doctor Serum Co., Ltd,3)Shibaura Three-one Clinic

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):580-585


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):580-585

Safety Verification of the Excess Intake of Silk Fibroin


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):586-592


1)石川町内科クリニック 院長,2)石川町内科クリニック 医師,3)ドクターセラム株式会社,4)東京農業大学農学部農学科,5)芝浦スリーワンクリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):586-592

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):586-592



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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):593-602

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):593-602

Skin Enhancement Efficacy of Supplements Containing Four Amino Acids in Healthy Japanese Women: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Study

1) JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association),2) Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3) RISOU Co., Ltd,4) C-TECJAPAN Co., Ltd

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):593-602

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):593-602

Skin Enhancement Efficacy of Supplements Containing Four Amino Acids in Healthy Japanese Women: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Study

1) JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association),2) Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3) RISOU Co., Ltd,4) C-TECJAPAN Co., Ltd

Objective: The objective of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of daily ingestion of a supplement containing RHIZOPUS/RICE FERMENT FD POWDER, which features Glutamine acid, Aspartic acid, Proline, and Arginine, on the condition of the human skin.
Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted to verify the skin condition. In this study we measured wrinkles, the amount of surface spots (visible spots and hidden ones), the amount of melanin, the whiteness of the complexion, the stratum corneum water content and the trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), three kinds of elasticity and also carried out the subjective reporting in form of questionnaire. To evaluate the safety of the test foods, adverse events were collected by means of a written questionnaire during the study.
Results: From all of 155 applicants, 108 were eliminated according to not meeting inclusion criteria. The 47 subjects were randomly assigned to intervention groups and made a start with ingestion. Among 47 subjects, 2 were withdrawn due to personal reason. Data obtained with 45 subjects (Test; 22, Placebo; 23) was used for the analysis of efficacy. After the 12-week ingestion the test group showed a significant difference in "Wrinkle grade", "The whiteness of the complexion", "The stratum corneum water content", "Melanin", and "lasticityR2" compared to the Placebo. On the other hand, the tendency was not seen in "Spot" or "The trans-epidermal water loss". As for the subjective evaluation, we observed a significant difference in 7 out of 20 items. No adverse effects were observed after the ingestion of the test product.
Conclusion: We found out that the 12-week ingestion of the test product containing RHIZOPUS/RICE FERMENT FD POWDER, which has a plenty of amino acids such as glutamine acid, aspartic acid, proline, and arginine, contributed to the improvement of the skin condition such as elasticity, tightness or moisture. In addition, no safety-related matter was observed during the 12-week test period.

Key Words: RHIZOPUS/RICE FERMENT FD POWDER, amino acid, skin condition, elasticity, wrinkle grade

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):593-602

Skin Enhancement Efficacy of Supplements Containing Four Amino Acids in Healthy Japanese Women: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Study


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診療と新薬 2017;54(5):603-608


1)一般財団法人 日本臨床試験協会(JACTA),2)日本橋エムズクリニック,3)アクシス株式会社

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):603-608

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):603-608


1)一般財団法人 日本臨床試験協会(JACTA),2)日本橋エムズクリニック,3)アクシス株式会社

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2017;54(5):603-608


キーワード:ゆがみ(distortion),体バランス(body balance),小顔(small face),イネイトリボーン療法(Innate Reborn therapy)

診療と新薬 2017;54(5):603-608



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