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診療と新薬 2022;59(6):289-299



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):289-299

Survey on Attitudes Toward Internet Based Medical Care in Japanese Patients With Epilepsy

Neurology Medical Science Department, UCB Pharma, Japan

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):289-299



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):289-299

Survey on Attitudes Toward Internet Based Medical Care in Japanese Patients With Epilepsy

Neurology Medical Science Department, UCB Pharma, Japan


診療と新薬 2022;59(6):289-299



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):289-299

Survey on Attitudes Toward Internet Based Medical Care in Japanese Patients With Epilepsy

Neurology Medical Science Department, UCB Pharma, Japan

To clarify the situations where Internet based medical care is expected to be used and the obstacles to the care in epilepsy treatment, we conducted an online survey on September 2021. Eligible subjects were patients with epilepsy aged ≥ 18 years who were registered with the Rakuten Insight Panel, diagnosed with epilepsy by December 31, 2020, and under treatment at the time of survey. Patients were classified into those who received medical care by Internet (Group A), by telephone (Group B), or those who had not received medical care by Internet (Group C). Patients in the Groups A and B answered the questions about the benefits of and obstacles to the care they received, whereas those in the Group C answered the situations in which they would like to receive Internet based care, and the obstacles to the care. Four hundred patients (average, 45.4 years) answered the survey with 15 in Group A, 51 in Group B, and 385 in the Group C. For the Group A, the most common benefits were "Can have consultations in a more relaxed environment" and "No waiting or travel time is required", whilst the most common obstacles were "Anxious about prescriptions and receipt of drugs", "Difficulty in communications with physicians" and "Examinations cannot be promptly done". For the Group C, many patients wanted to receive Internet based care in the limited situations such as "Prescription only" and “During a pandemic". Further studies are needed when people fully understand what Internet based medical care is.

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):289-299


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):289-299

Survey on Attitudes Toward Internet Based Medical Care in Japanese Patients With Epilepsy


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診療と新薬 2022;59(6):301-314


1)株式会社臨床科学研究所,2)フジ日本精糖株式会社 品質保証部,3)九州大学大学院農学研究院,4)近畿大学産業理工学部

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):301-314

Effects of Foods Containing Inulin on Fatigue Stress and Mucosal Immunity in People of Fatigue: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials

1)Institute of Clinical Science Inc.,2)Fuji Nihon Seito Corporation.,3)Faculty of Agriculture,Kyushu University,4)Faculty of Humanity-oriented Science and Engineering,Kindai University

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):301-314


1)株式会社臨床科学研究所,2)フジ日本精糖株式会社 品質保証部,3)九州大学大学院農学研究院,4)近畿大学産業理工学部

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):301-314

Effects of Foods Containing Inulin on Fatigue Stress and Mucosal Immunity in People of Fatigue: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials

1)Institute of Clinical Science Inc.,2)Fuji Nihon Seito Corporation.,3)Faculty of Agriculture,Kyushu University,4)Faculty of Humanity-oriented Science and Engineering,Kindai University



診療と新薬 2022;59(6):301-314


1)株式会社臨床科学研究所,2)フジ日本精糖株式会社 品質保証部,3)九州大学大学院農学研究院,4)近畿大学産業理工学部

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):301-314

Effects of Foods Containing Inulin on Fatigue Stress and Mucosal Immunity in People of Fatigue: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials

1)Institute of Clinical Science Inc.,2)Fuji Nihon Seito Corporation.,3)Faculty of Agriculture,Kyushu University,4)Faculty of Humanity-oriented Science and Engineering,Kindai University

Purpose and Method of Study:The study was conducted in order to examine effects of inulincontaining food on the sense of fatigue and stress, and on the mucosal immune system of ablebodied adults who experience a feeling of tiredness both physically and mentally. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, and parallel-group comparison study was conducted on 50 ablebodied adults (48 individuals subject for analysis whereby 24 were male and 24 were female). They underwent a saliva test and a questionnaire test before and after their intake.
RESULTS:As a result, it was observed that the POMS2 scores from Fatigue or Inertia,
Tension or Anxiety, and TMD values became significantly lower, while the score for Vigor or Activity increased significantly. Whereas the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) found that the scales from the responses relating to the sense of fatigue lowered. In the results from the cold symptoms, it was noted that there was a significant reduction in the duration of manifestation of symptoms including “nasal blockage", "headache", "sense of fatigue", "chills", and "comprehensive clinical symptoms". The results from saliva tests showed a significantly increased volume of salivation. Though there can be seen no significant difference in the production speed of saliva IgA, the experimental group showed a certain increase in volume compared to the placebo group.
CONCLUSION:Based on the study results, it could be implied that the intake of inulin-containing foods has the effect of relieving sense of fatigue and stress and are effective in sustaining active moods. It was also indicated that they can be effective for boosting the immune system, preventing the manifestation of cold symptoms and alleviating said symptoms.

Key words: inulin, fatigue, mucosal immunity, double-blind

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):301-314


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):301-314

Effects of Foods Containing Inulin on Fatigue Stress and Mucosal Immunity in People of Fatigue: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials


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診療と新薬 2022;59(6):315-333


1)森永歯科医院,2)日本臨床試験協会(JACTA),3)株式会社 ワールドブレイン,4)株式会社上山製作所,5)表参道FMクリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):315-333

Effectiveness for Temporomandibular Joint Disease Masticatory Muscle Pain Disorder by Using Ultrasonic Stimulator "Ultra-Ma"

1)Morinaga Dental Clinic,2)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),3)WorldBrain Co., Ltd.,4)KAMIYAMA, Ltd.,5)Omotesandou FM' Clinic

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):315-333


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):315-333

Effectiveness for Temporomandibular Joint Disease Masticatory Muscle Pain Disorder by Using Ultrasonic Stimulator "Ultra-Ma"


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診療と新薬 2022;59(6):335-338


1)芝パレスクリニック,2)有限会社G.M コーポレーション,3)株式会社SOUKEN

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):335-338

Evaluation of Effect of Improving Leg Blood Flow Using a Brush-Type Beauty Device

1)Shiba Palace Clinic,2)GM CORPORATION,3)SOUKEN Corporation

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):335-338


1)芝パレスクリニック,2)有限会社G.M コーポレーション,3)株式会社SOUKEN

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):335-338

Evaluation of Effect of Improving Leg Blood Flow Using a Brush-Type Beauty Device

1)Shiba Palace Clinic,2)GM CORPORATION,3)SOUKEN Corporation

To evaluate the effect of low-frequency beauty equipment on swelling, blood flow in the legs was measured before and after single use. The test product was used on the right calf and the back of the right thigh of 17 healthy Japanese women aged 20 to 60 years old for 10 minutes each, and the average blood flow in the back of the right thigh was significantly improved after use. It suggested that the use of the test product may promote blood circulation in the legs and improve swelling.

Key words: DENKI BARI BRUSH, blood flow, swlling, low-frequency stimulation

診療と新薬 2022;59(6):335-338


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(6):335-338

Evaluation of Effect of Improving Leg Blood Flow Using a Brush-Type Beauty Device


PDF:453 KB

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